Thursday, December 20, 2007


I know this might not be popular to say, but who cares, this is my own blog, so screw you! No, I'm just joking, sorta. Anyway, every year around this time everyone gets Christmas fever. Everyone but non Christians. Every year I hear about people complaining that there's all this emphasis on Christmas and not about Hanukkah, Quanza, or whichever you choose to believe. Now, don't get me wrong, I think it's bullshite too that Christmas is stuffed down everyone's throat.

But, to be fair, we should all celebrate Christmas, not as the birth of baby Jesus, but simply for the fact that we get time off of work, and the ability to travel and visit our loved ones, and for the most part, get paid by our jobs to do so. I mean think about it, the country doesn't get Hanukkah off, or any other holiday, that typically other people take off, but everybody is lucky enough to get "my" holiday off, yet they complain about it. I'm not saying I agree or disagree on the complaints, but what I will say is that if you're going to complain about it, and say that we can't even say "Merry Christmas" anymore, then you should not take the holiday off. If you want to go around saying "Happy Holidays" even though the only reason you're not working is because of ONE holiday, then that's fine, but you shouldn't have the pleasure of getting 2, 3 or even 5 days off.

Now, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, I agree that we need to be more sensitive about others beliefs, I get it, and whole heartily agree. What gets my panties in a bunch is the people who complain until they're blue in the face, yet have no problem taking the days off. So, even though I'm not a "believer" in the greater sense of the word, I believe enough to not feel guilty about not working. I'm just sayin'.

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